Auto Loan

Auto Loan

Own your dream car today 

You need a car so we provide 80% of the funds you require to pay for the car of your choice.

 Enjoy riding in style.

The +


    Make easy, comfortable repayments over a period of up to 60 months.

    Pay monthly deductions via your SG Ghana current account.



    Find out more about the Societe Generale Ghana loans. Simply visit any branch or Call +233 (0) 302-214 314.

    Ts & Cs apply

    Vehicle to be financed

        •Maximum age of the car should not exceed 5 years.

        •Cars from established vendors who sell new cars of all brands and used cars from selected vendors (with a limit at GHS 100,000 for used cars).

        •It will be offered for the purchase of used vehicles manufactured by well-known automobile brands namely: Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Mazda, Audi, Mitsubishi, Volkswagen, Ford, Chevrolet, Hyundai, KIA.

        •Vehicles must be saloon car, SUVs or pickup.

        •Maximum seating capacity of seven people.

        •Maximum mileage : 80 000KM


    *all fees updated regularly. For current, applicable fees, please refer to 2020 Tariff guide.

    Terms and Conditions apply