Legal Information
Share Capital Societe Generale
Societe Anonyme with a share capital of €1,025,947,048.75 as of 24 July 2023.
The share capital is divided into 820,757,639 ordinary shares, each with a nominal value of 1.25 euro.
Due Diligence / KYC
Please find hereafter useful Societe Generale Group information, links and contacts which will help you to fill-in due diligence questionnaires you may receive from clients.
In any case, it is up to the Business Line who is in contact with the client to collect the documents and to fill-in the questionnaires.
From a general point of view, Societe Generale group's internal intranet MySocieteGenerale (tab The Group) and Societe Generale group's external website which both include the registration document answer to most of the commonly asked questions.
Corporate secretary (Kbis extracts, articles of association with legal information) | SEGL/CAO/GOV - sgcorporateadministration.par@socgen.com |
Powers of attorney / authorized signatures | SEGL/CAO/GOV - pouvoirs-segl.fr@socgen.com |
Compliance (AML, KYC, conflicts of interest, embargoes & sanctions) | Available documents/information on the Conformity page of the Societe Generale website - The 8 main non-compliance risks
Shareholding/external auditors/subsidiaries/branches | Universal Registration Document Shareholding Statutory auditors Subsidiaries/branches |
Agreement from Autorite de Contrôle Prudentiel (ACPR) | https://www.regafi.fr/spip.php?rubrique1 Date of issuing: 1864 |
Societe Generale Governance | |
Litigation | SEGL/JUR/LCD Information on Risks and Litigation Compliance remediation plan
Registered name / Legal name | SOCIETE GENERALE |
Type of entity | SOCIETE ANONYME (S.A.) |
Registered address | 29, Boulevard Haussmann – 75 009 PARIS |
Postal Address | 17 cours Valmy CS50318 92972 Paris La Défense cedex France |
Principal Place of Business | Tours Société Générale – 17 cours Valmy – 92 972 PARIS LA DÉFENSE |
Web Address | www.societegenerale.com |
Swift Address | SOGEFRPPxxx |
Jurisdiction in which incorporated | Registre du commerce et des sociétés - Paris |
Institution registration number | 552 120 222 RCS PARIS |
Date of incorporation | 07/10/1955 |
Name of regulators | BCE, ACPR & AMF |
Name of external auditors | Ernst & Young Audit / Deloitte et Associés |
Name of your Central Bank | European Central Bank |
Main business activity | Bank |
LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) | O2RNE8IBXP4R0TD8PU41 |
Listed on any securities exchange? | YES |
Is there any type of restriction in your institution license? | NO |
Taxation | FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) FATCA Contacts: For MARK and GLBA: GSC-GBSU-REG-TAX For GTPS: PAR-SGCASHCLEARING-KYC CRS (Common Reporting Standard) CRS contacts: PAR-AutocertificationCRSSGSA
Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) | Societe Generale being a listed company, the declaration of beneficial owners is not mandatory |
Societe Generale By-laws
French and English versions of Societe Generale By-Laws are available to download with the links here below.
For any by-laws or original KBIS extracts, please contact: SEGL/CAO/GOV.
Societe Generale Information in France
- Société Générale's intra-community VAT identification number: FR 27 552 120 222
- SIRET N° - two separate numbers. A distinction must be made between the Head Office and the main establishment.
- Head Office: the SIRET corporate identity number of Société Générale is 552 120 222 00013 and corresponds to the address of the Head Office located 29, Boulevard Haussmann - 75009 PARIS ;
- Principal place of business: Société Générale's SIRET corporate identity number is 552 120 222 28436 and corresponds to the address Tour Société Générale - 17 cours Valmy, Paris La Défense 7 - 92800 PUTEAUX.
- Registration number in the Trade Register: 552 120 222 R.C.S. PARIS
- NAF Code: 6419Z (updated January 2008)